Athletic Clearances Due This Week

ALL athletes must complete the RUHS online registration by Friday, August 9th in order to participate at practice on Monday, August 12th. This includes both the physical form and the RUHS online registration. Both parts must be completed for an athlete to be cleared. 

Click here to complete the online registration.

Here are the directions for those who need them – ATHLETIC CLEARANCE INSTRUCTIONS (step 2 is a little outdated; click on ‘More’ at the top, then under FORMS click on Athletics Registration).  Any questions call the RUHS athletic office, they will help both new and returning athletes to complete the process.
Coaches are not allowed to collect physicals and any part of the registration packet. Physical forms must be turned into the athletic office.
Thank you for taking care of this immediately. Athletes will not be allowed to practice with the team until their athletic registration is complete due to liability issues.

Please contact
Janice Allison (Booster Club President) for questions concerning the athletic clearance registration.

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