Zamperini Relays – 2/27/16

The meet tomorrow, February 27th is at Torrance High School Zamperini Field 2125 Lincoln St. Torrance, 90502
The bus will be leaving promptly at 8:30 AM. Athletes are to have their uniforms on and they will meet in the student parking lot on Diamond. Bring water or Gatorade, healthy snacks and sunscreen.
There will be a concession stand if you want to send money for after their race. They will also be selling t-shirts and wrist bands.
The meet begins at 9:30 AM starting with the 5000m and Pole Vault. It should end sometime around 3:30 PM
New parents to track make a note the times are approximate as track meets can run behind and or ahead of schedule. The buses will return to RUHS as soon as the meet is over.

Go Sea Hawks!

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