Banquet: Thank You!

Dear XC Families,

What a great Banquet last night.  Special thank you to the many volunteers who helped with the pre-planning, decorating,  hanging banners and then post banquet assistance.… down to the last tablecloth, water bottle loaded back into our vehicles. There are a few people who deserve an additional shout-out…

  • Our Banquet Leads Katie and Ana,
  • The band “Behind Schedule”…they ROCK!
  • Coach Bob for the award ceremony and the awesome slideshows, and
  • Beate, Cyndi, Marcia, Jen, Emily, and Yee Mee

Again, thanks to all.  The link to the super cool video that Bob created is below!

Lastly, congratulations to our Student Athletes on all their accomplishments this XC season.

A few notes of business before putting the finishing touches on the XC season.  All Varsity runners please clean and turn-in the White uniforms if you haven’t already.  We also found a Sand N Surf soccer bag…please contact me if it’s yours.

The CCT Boosters wish you all an amazing holiday!

Janice & David Allison

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