XC End of Season Banquet

Please join us on Thursday, Dec. 12 for our end of season banquet.

Purchase tickets here. Please note: the Boosters will be paying for each Senior athlete to attend. All other athletes will need to purchase a ticket.

Because we have limited space, at this time, Senior athletes may bring two guests and all other athletes may bring one. As we get a better handle on numbers, we may update this. To help us include the most people possible, would you please RSVP by this Sunday, December 8 at noon? Once we know on Sunday who for sure plans to attend, we can make additional tickets available as of Monday.

Please note we will not be able to accommodate ticket purchases at the door – tickets must be purchased ahead of time.

If you would like to contribute toward coaches gifts, please use the links in the attached flyer.

We need help! Please volunteer to help with the banquet. Sign ups are available!

Looking forward to a wonderful evening of celebrating our Cross Country athletes!

RUHS XC Banquet Invite 2024-v3

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