Village Runners 20th Annual 4th of July 5K Run/Walk

Dear RUHS CCT Alumni, Parents,Family,Friends and Fans,
If you are planning on participating in the Village Runners 20th Annual 4th of July 5K Run/Walk this year and would like to support the Redondo high school xc/track program raise money towards a new timing system it would be greatly appreciated. It’s really simple here’s the details.
1) Runners, Parents, Families and Friends to go to

2) Click on “online registration”

3) Join a team (this is open to anyone wanting to sign up and support the Redondo Union high school XC team)
a) “RUHS XC Team Supporter”4) Follow the prompts and sign up for the race.

5) Village Runner will give the Redondo Union High School XC program $10 per person that signs up under their team name “RUHS XC Team Supporter” (up to 200 people).

6) Help get the word out by sharing with your family and friends 🙂
The race costs $30 when registering online by June 27th and goes up to $35 after June 27th. Entries must be done online by July 1st to receive fundraising credit.
Thank you for your continuous support!

RUHS CCT Booster Club
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