Griffin Relays (3/7)

Dear Parents and Athletes,

This Saturday, March 7th our track team will be competing at the Griffin Relays at Los Alamitos High School.  All athletes will be informed of their event(s).

The address of Los Alamitos HS is:  3591 W Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos, CA 90720

Attached is the schedule for the meet:  Griffin Relays Order of Events

  • Buses will leave promptly at 7 am from the student parking lot on Diamond.
  • All athletes should be dressed in their team uniforms and warm-ups.  Make sure all personal items are labeled with the athlete’s name.
  • Athletes should bring a water bottle or two and extra cash to purchase water if needed.  Bring a lunch and healthy snacks.  A concession stand will be available.
  • Admission is $5 for spectators.
  • The meet starts at 9 am and the last event is at approximately 4 pm.  Meets tend to run longer, so this is just an estimate.
  • Athletes are expected to remain until the conclusion of the meet and ride back to Redondo with the team.

Again, our Redondo Nike Invitational is next Friday and Saturday, March 13th and 14th.  As per the track contract/syllabus, it is a requirement for each family to work a shift, however, 6 hours is encouraged during this meet. Thank you to those of you who have already volunteered (many for more than 1 shift).  For those of you who still have not signed up for a shift, please sign up on the link “Sign-Up Genius Nike Invitational 2020”.

Please email Janice Allison ([email protected]) with any questions.

Thank you

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